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Re: FAQ existence?

> Hi, being new to this list, is there a pointer to an ftp site or
> listing of FAQs, etc? Before bombarding this list with my
> questions I would like to read any FAQs first...
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Matthew

Well... We don't have a FAQ list yet. We (Greg, Simon and I) have got
some really good intentions of providing a "FAQ-like" document
describing the different methods and approaches to secure transactions
(and Secure WWW in specific), but we haven't had the time to pull it
together. I hope to take a first pass at it this week, but Greg and I
are at the IETF, Simon's at the FIRST conference, and may not get to


Walt Drummond (drummond@noc.rutgers.edu)
Network Services
Rutgers University Computing Services
 - Lost: One mind. Owner sad. Reward.